
由于王力医生的成绩显著。她曾荣获巴西荣誉金奖。日本樱花奖, 奖励她对日本脑伤儿童所做的贡献。科学及人道主义海蒙多-维拉斯奖,被誉为世界公民。里奥那多-达-芬其奖,奖励受奖者工作的科学与艺术结合。2002年获得国际儿童脑发育学会的最高奖状,奖励她对人类为改善自身状态的壮举所作出的无私贡献。.
Does accord itself the honor of presenting to
Li Wang
The Statuette with Pedestal as the highest honor it may bestow
We cite her then as the symbol of this Academy, which holds that all men have a stake in the lives of other men, the weak, the ill, that what is good for one, is good for all, that what is pain for one is pain for all, that what endangers one, though he be small, endangers all. So rising to responsibility, which is not hers nor any other’except those few who choose it to be so, and by so
Choosing take their place beside, and not behind, the leaders in the field of those who fight the ills in man and fight them endlessly.
From half a world away a score of years ago, she came to learn how to help brain-injured children, especially children of little means. Of high intelligence, compassion beyond measure, of love deep and sincere, she continues to bring hope and help to hurt children here and in her own country and thus fulfill her lifelong dream.
As with all true honors that men sincerely bestow, the values of which may be measured only in the hearts of those who have chosen to bestow the honor, Li Wang may not hereby the right reserve to feel personal ownership of this honor, for who owns symbols.
Nor, in the contrary, is she accorded the right of disclaiming this honor so sincerely conferred, for who may disclaim honor for so man others.
She is, instead, herewith decreed to be its permanent custodian as the symbol of the many it honors, and were it not intended to be so, she still would hold it so, for only to such is honr due. She is th symbol of the symbol.
We do this night welcome to our company Li Wang as a member of the Academy, this tenth day of May, in the year of Our Lord two thousand and two.